DOEACC A3-R3 January, 2008 Question paper

a)    The sequence of Fibonacci numbers is defined as below:
        f(i) = f(i-1) + f(i-2) with f(0) = 1 and f(1) = 1
    Draw a flowchart and then develop a ‘C’ program to calculate and display Fibonacci numbers.
b)    Write a ‘C’ program to calculate the frequencies of different alphabets, present in a given string. The string of alphabets is to be taken as input from the keyboard.
a)    Write a ‘C’ program to do the following:
i)    Accept a sequence of integer numbers from the keyboard
ii)    Sort the sequence in ascending order
iii)    Output the position of each element of the input sequence in the sorted array.
Develop a flowchart and then develop ‘C’ program to find the union of two set of characters, taken as input from the keyboard.

a)    Write a ‘C’ program to accept any 3 digit integer number from the keyboard and display the word equivalent representation of the given number.
b)    Write a ‘C’ program to accept a date in the format DD/MM/YYYY and add an integer to get the resultant date.

8.    Define a suitable data structure to store the information like student name, roll number, enrolment centre and marks of five different subjects. Write a ‘C’ function to insert sufficient data in your data structure and function to print the name of the student and the total obtained marks who have secured highest total marks for each and every enrolment centre
a)    Define a self referential structure to represent a set of integer numbers in linked list form.
b)    Write a ‘C’ function to split the list in several sub-lists depending on the number of digits representing the integers i.e. single digit integers will form a list, double digit numbers will form another list and so on.


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